Contact us

You can contact Brussels Accountant by email or by phone

Office location

Chemin des deux maisons 73/3
1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (Brussels)

Public Transport

  • Metro 1B from Erasme to Stockel: exit Roodebeek (15 minutes walk to Brussels Accountants)
  • Bus line 27 from Rail Station Midi (= South) to Andromède station (terminus): walk up the street for about 200m to building number 73
  • Bus line 79 from Schuman Square to bus-stop Capricorne/Steenbok: walk up to building number 73
  • Heading to Stockel, at exit Montgomery, metro line 1B crosses bus line 27 (bus-stop Montgomery)
  • Map of public transport (veuillez cliquer sur la carte pour agrandir l’image):